Monday, November 25, 2013



  1. I started this page with a different email address than this one I'm using right now -- the one I created the other day to go with this blog and my youtube channel.

    I haven't done anything with this google account yet (barebohemianbeauty) like adding info and such on my profile or doing anything with google +, but if you want any other info on me, check out "amy catherine" rather than "Amy Smith." I'll get the profile created tonight ... at least some of it!

    The rest of my posts will be published with this account so that should make it easier.

    Thanks, guys, and I hope you enjoy what I end up posting on here and on youtube! :)

  2. So I totally did Not get my profile set up on blogger yet and it's the same on google.

    I lied without meaning to ... you can click on either person and it'll give you any info you might want. Well, once I get this profile up with some info, that is.

    Now that I've filmed my welcome video, I'm actually going to get something up on the YouTube b/c there's barely any editing to do and I think I have two videos in one.

    Hope to have more for you to read and watch soon!
